
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis announced an extraordinary jubilee,

a Holy Year of Mercy, to highlight the Catholic Church’s “mission

to be a witness of mercy.”

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016

Read how we will celebrate in our Archdiocese

The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions we can perform

that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need.

The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.

  1. To feed the hungry.
  2. To give drink to the thirsty.
  3. To clothe the naked.
  4. To shelter the Homeless
  5. To visit the sick.
  6. To visit the imprisoned
  7. To bury the dead.

The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs.

  1. To instruct the ignorant.
  2. To counsel the doubtful.
  3. To admonish sinners.
  4. To bear wrongs patiently.
  5. To forgive offences willingly.
  6. To comfort the afflicted.
  7. To pray for the living and the dead

Below are some links with information and activities for you.

General Information

Information about the Holy Doors:

Stations of the cross and acts of mercy:

Activity sheets:

Christ has no body but yours,

no hands, no feet on earth but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which

he looks with compassion on the world,

yours are the feet with which he goes about doing good,

and yours are the hands with which he blesses the world."

- St. Teresa of Avila

Saints who practiced the works of mercy

Martin of Tours

Mother Teresa of Calcutta