Holy Week

Holy Week is the last week of Lent. It is the week before Easter. 

* Start with the Busted Halo video Holy Week in Two Minutes.

Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday.  On Palm Sunday we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into  the city of Jerusalem.

* Try this word search about the Palm Sunday.

Holy Thursday

The Chrism Mass is held on the morning of Holy Thursday or earlier in Holy Week. At this mass the bishop blesses the oils to be used in all of the churches in the diocese in the coming year. The oils blessed at the Chrism Mass are brought back to local parish churches where they are presented to the parish during a procession at the Holy Thursday evening Mass  

The Catholic church uses three types of sacred oil: 

Sacred Chrism (SC) which is used in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders; Oil of Catechumens (OS, from “oleum sanctum”) which is also used in the sacrament of Baptism Oil of the Infirm ( OI) which is used in the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Holy Saturday

The Easter Vigil is the center of the Liturgical or church year. On that night we 

On that night we celebrate the baptism of new Christians and we renew the promises made at our own baptism.

Baptismal Promises


 This is our faith.  This is the faith of the church.  We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus.

* How much do you know about Holy Week?

And  here is a Triduum Quiz for you.